Sunday, October 2, 2016

Why should you consolidate your student loan

If you have just completed college, then chances are you are facing a mountain of student Loan debt, and may feel there is no way out. You may be wondering if there is a solution or end to this nightmare. One way of dealing with this situation is to consolidate your student loan. To consolidate your student loan to a fixed rate can be substantially better, reducing your regular payments by more than forty percent. It may also be possible to stretch the term of your payment hence reduce your monthly outgoing. The main disadvantage when you consolidate your student loan within the six month grace period is that you must start making your payments immediately. This can be extremely awkward if you haven’t yet a job outside of graduation. You can wait to consolidate your student loan just before the end of the grace period, and still receive the lower rates. But remember once you have consolidated your student loans you cannot un-consolidate them, so consider your choices before committing yourself. How is interest calculated when I Consolidate Student Loans? When you come to consolidate your student loans, the lending firm pays off your government loan and issues you a new loan under its own name. The typical way to determine the interest rate on the new loan is to take the average interest rates on all of the student loans, and offer a new rate that is an eighth of a percentage point higher (up to a maximum interest rate of 8.25%). Although agreeing to a higher interest rate might not sound like a good reason to consolidate student loans, this rate is fixed over the life of the loan, whereas the government rate will fluctuate. Since rates are at an all time low at the moment, locking in the current rates might be a good idea. Furthermore, many banks give you ways to bring down the percentage rates. For example, some lending institutions will drop the rates by as much as a quarter point if you agree to automatic deductions from a checking or savings account, whereas others drop the rates after a certain number of timely payments. As an additional bonus, there is no penalty for paying off your consolidated loan early. There are alternatives to consolidating your student loans. Before you decide to consolidate you should carefully consider them. Did you realize that it is possible to have your student loan cancelled altogether? Your student loan may be cancelled if you choose to become a volunteer for the peace corp., or work for the government in a low-income area as a teacher or doctor. Cancellation however, is not possible once you have consolidated your student loan. Another time to hesitate prior to choosing to consolidate student loans is when you are close to completing your payments. Increasing your payments and saving yourself some interest and the hassle of consolidation may be more advantageous.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Things you need to know about depression support groups

How many times has some one asked you “how's life?” Though this may sound like a rhetorical question, but in some cases it should be asked. Believe it or not, many folks struggle with everyday life. Perhaps you might ask yourself why. For starters, there are many possible reasons. Their anguish could concern a death in the family, a difficult separation, or possibly even the stresses of daily life. Apart from of the cause, the affliction should be treated immediately. This is the reason why depression support groups are so accessible in recent times. It's time to take life by the horns again, and get a grip on your somber emotions. Life is just too short to be wasted being miserable. Have you ever attended any depression support groups? These sure aren't anything to be ashamed of. In today’s newer generations, we can see our children are being faced with increasingly problems that may result in them being dejected or feeling alone. The answer to banishing this dilemma is through depression support groups. With the power of dialogue and understanding together, depression can certainly be dealt with. Back in the day when I was in high school, one of my dear friends suffered from severe depression after her mother died. Who could blame the girl? Sure this kind of tragedy can indeed affect one's childhood. At first she began to sleep a lot, and even avoided going to school as much as possible. Later on she took to drugs and drinking. At the end her parents checked into depression support groups and sought her help. After a while she was able to deal with her tragedy and move ahead. Although we obviously can't forget something so devastating, we can still look forward to living a wonderful life. It's all about dealing with it properly. A word of advice, you may want to look into depression support groups especially if someone you know is withdrawn from society and family. There are signs to watch for concern, these include sleeping all the time, not eating, nor wanting to leave the house, and even drinking or drug use. The above are all common signs of depression. If you have a child that fits that description, then it's time to consider depression support groups to be of assistance. Hop online and find depression support groups in your local area. The key here is getting assistance in time. There certainly is no time to waste. With the power of the World-Wide-Web at your very fingertips, you can get help for depression right now, and get back the life you can't live without!

Jewelry christmas gifts that sparkle and shine

The joyous season of Christmas is steeped in tradition, and gift giving is one ritual that is inseparable from this holiday. Who hasn’t had difficulty at one time or another in choosing a suitable present for a beloved family member or a dear friend? Fortunately, jewelry Christmas gifts are widely available and there is an endless variety of styles from which to choose. Twinkling and shining, they reflect the nature of that season to be jolly. Sparkling and glittering are two words that would describe diamonds. Browse through the World Wide Web and you’ll see a plethora of online stores that showcase jewelry Christmas gifts. Imagine a woman’s pleasure at the shimmering sight of diamond snowflake dangling earrings or a glittering diamond bracelet adorned with traditional symbols associated with Christmas. Men, on the other hand, will surely appreciate flashing yet tasteful diamond cuff links. Other gemstones make wonderful jewelry Christmas gifts. Sapphires or rubies set in gold, sterling silver or platinum will gleam subtly from rings or necklaces. Not all jewelry Christmas gifts that glitter need to be expensive, though. Whimsical and unique designs at an affordable price for the holiday season abound. For instance, brightly colored, rhinestone encrusted pins shaped like Christmas trees are widely available. For young recipients, bracelets, necklaces or anklets made from gold - or silver-plated metals, engraved with their names for a personal touch, will fit snugly in any Christmas stocking. Stores or web sites that specialize in vintage and antique items also offer bright jewelry Christmas gifts. Take your pick from pieces such as brilliant poinsettia-shaped hairpins or nativity-inspired pendants dotted with Swarovski crystals. For many centuries, men, women and children have been eagerly counting the days until Christmas morning, when everyone would rush to the Christmas tree to open their presents. The giving of gifts is a time honored tradition, and the selection of presents that will be appreciated and enjoyed by those whom we love is no trivial task. Scintillating jewelry Christmas gifts have always been part of that tradition and they continue to contribute to the glow that the holiday season brings.

Hardware and tools

There are many different tools and hardware that can be used in various ways. Some can be used on cars and trucks, and some can be used on machines, furniture, etc. Hardware can be placed on many different products, but the most common is furniture and cabinets. This includes kitchen and bathroom cabinet doors, dressers and many other types of furniture that may be in a home or office. Many tools are used to build furniture, which can be a very lucrative business for those who have the talent and the desire. In order to build furniture, a person will need tools like router saws, drills, and sanders. Sometimes these tools may require air in order to work, so air compressors are also essential to a furniture builder. Even individuals who work in other industries may need to use the same types of tools. Technicians in a tire shop use tools that run off air, requiring them to utilize an air compressor, as well. For example, the impact wrench comes in handy when they are trying to get the lug nuts off your tire in order to change the tire or get to the brakes. It would be almost impossible for someone to quickly remove the lug nuts from a tire without the use of these convenient tools. It is possible to do it manually with a tool such as a lug wrench, but how could a business be able to run quickly and efficiently without tools that help them save time? There is no way to do this without them, because customers would get tired of waiting and would leave to go elsewhere to have their cars serviced. Many jobs require individuals to use spray guns. These jobs include: Vehicle painting, wall painting, as well as furniture refinishing and repair. A spray gun is another tool that requires air in order to function. Saws help a person to create the correct dimensions for the furniture, and the drills bore holes into it so if can be properly assembled. Drills are also used to bore holes in order to place the hardware on the furniture. Hardware adds beauty to already attractive furniture. There are numerous types of hardware to choose from, too. The many diverse styles and levels of quality give customers a wide variety of choices. It all depends on how someone wants their project to look, as well as how much money they have budgeted to spend.

Tips on creating change in your life

What kinds of things help support us in changing or creating a new habit? Visualizing can be very compelling for some people. The clearer you picture your goal and how good you will feel when you reach it, the easier it becomes to make the necessary changes to get there. Affirmations can also help you reach a goale up with a statement as if you've already achieved what you wish. "I AM happy," rather than, "I want to be happy," and then repeat it throughout the day, every day until you are on your way. Having structure with others can also help you to change. If, for example, you want to get in shape, you can join a class at a community college for weight training, aerobic work outs, or sport. In a class you are given an outline of expectation, a schedule for working out, a finite course over a number of weeks and most likely you will have to keep a record of your workouts and your performance will be reviewed, which means you must be accountable to someone. It will be easier to stick with because you won’t be doing it alone. Working out in your own home has the convenience of location and time, but there is no accountability except to yourself and you have no company while doing it. If you’ve been having difficulty establishing a new habit, find a group or a class where you can join others who are trying to achieve similar goals. There are other things too, that can make it easier or harder to change. One is our image of our self and our abilities. Do we believe we will succeed, or do we expect we will quit? Can we picture ourselves (again the visualization) where we want to be, or are we uncomfortable with the idea of being there? For instance, would you be comfortable being wealthy, or would you feel guilty for having wealth when so many are poor? You will have to work out any issues you have before you will be able to comfortably keep a new habit or lifestyle. Sometimes a little change goes far to support making a big change. For instance, some men will grow a beard or shave one off and some women will change their hairstyle or hair color when they are mentally trying to create a larger change in their lives. They might shave a beard when they begin dating, or color their hair when they are trying to lose weight. A little visible change acts as a reminder that you are indeed changing and not quite the same person you used to be. Redecorating a room in your house or your office is another small change that can serve as a reminder for other changes in habit or new attitudes.

Consider a reverse mortgage as your last option

Home buyers often save rigorously for their home, forgoing expenditures and making sacrifices to pay down the mortgage and save for retirement. At retirement they get to enjoy their dream home debt-free. The only problem with this scenario for a lot of retirees is that they live on a fixed, and often not very large, income. One option is to take a reverse mortgage - a loan against the home, which brings you money while you still live in your home. You can usually borrow between 10 to 40 percent of the value of your home depending on your age. A reverse mortgage loan requires no repayment for as long as you live in your home and you will never owe more than the value of your home. This loan is different from a traditional mortgage in two ways. In order to qualify for a traditional mortgage, the bank checks your income to see how much you can afford to repay each month, but with a reverse mortgage there are no monthly repayments. With most loans, if you fail to make your repayments, you are in trouble. With a reverse mortgage, you don't have any repayments. Thus, the debt grows larger as you keep getting cash advances and the interest is added to the amount you owe. This is why a reverse mortgage is called a "rising debt, falling equity" loan. As the amount you owe (your debt) grows larger, your equity (the value of your home less debt) is getting smaller. You can receive income from your reverse mortgage in two ways. You can take the loan and invest it in an annuity. In turn, this annuity will provide you with income until your death. The second alternative is to receive monthly income from your reverse mortgage provider. Here you simply increase the size of your loan on a regular basis in order to receive income. There is one big downside to all of this - you still owe money on your home. The total amount you will owe at the end of the loan will equal the loan plus all the interest accrued. All the interest can be a substantial amount of money. Before you apply for a reverse mortgage, discuss your options with your family. Remember that a reverse mortgage will reduce the size of your final estate.

Is there something sinister about caller id spoofing

Spoofing refers to the ability to disguise the originating caller identification number when placing a telephone call. The calling party may select an alias or dummy number to appear on the called party telephone display. Proponents of this technology laud its uses for law enforcement and private investigators. They claim the technology protects agents from being discovered in undercover operations. Agents can freely make pretext calls to criminal elements by using caller ID spoofing. A pretext call is one that allows law enforcement to solicit information over the telephone by representing themselves as someone else. Caller ID spoofing is now marketed by a number of websites to any business or individual who wishes to subscribe to the service. Individuals can hide or mask the call origin with whatever number they desire. This guarantees anonymity. Collection agencies or government tax agencies often find it difficult to reach defaulters. This service could help these companies contact an individual using call screening. Critics of the caller ID spoofing claim that using this VoIP phone service makes it easy for scam artists to make it appear that they are calling from another phone number. Jokesters could masquerade their caller ID as The Oval Office, Ed McMahon or Paris Hilton. Hackers and con artists could utilize spoofing to break into unsecured voice mail boxes that rely on caller identification for authentication. For example, Secure Science Corporation discovered that hackers could use caller ID spoofing to break into the voice mailboxes of over 15 million subscribers of wireless service provider T-Mobile. The company scrambled to add an optional pin code authentication to thwart tampering. Criminal elements could utilize caller ID spoofing to reverse the tables on law enforcement, harass victims and break into interactive voice response systems that use the caller’s phone number as authentication. A child molester could contact a home and disguise number as a parent’s work number. An alarm company or emergency response dispatch could be contacted and reassured of false alarm by a burglar breaking into a premise. Methods and kits on how to emulate and display spoofed caller ID messages are now available on the Internet. Anyone with a general understanding of the concept and a compatible modem can construct a device that will provide caller ID spoofing. In the end, caller ID spoofing, like any other technology does have some merit especially for law enforcement. However this technology is very easy to use unethically and perhaps criminally. The lesson here is don’t trust caller id display. If you are unsure of the caller id information of a suspicious caller, take the number down, return the call or alert authorities.

Build interest with autoresponder messages 412

Build Interest With Autoresponder Messages If you are using your autoresponder to sell a product or service, you must be very careful as to how you approach your potential customer. Few people like a hard sale, and marketers have known for years that in most cases, a prospect must hear your message an average of seven times before they will make a purchase. How do you accomplish this with autoresponders? It’s really quite simple, and in fact, the autoresponders make getting the message to your potential customers those seven times possible. On the Internet, without the use of autoresponders, you probably could not achieve that. Too often, marketers make the mistake of literally slamming the potential customer with a hard sales pitch with the first autoresponder message – this won’t work. You build interest slowly. Start with an informative message – a message that educates the reader in some way on the topic that your product or service is related to. At the bottom of the message, include a link to the sales page for your product. Use that first message to focus on the problem that your product or service can solve, with just a hint of the solution. Build up from there, moving into how your product or service can solve a problem, and then with the next message, ease into the benefits of your product – giving the reader more actual information with each and every message. Your final message should be the sale pitch – not your first one! With each message, make sure that you are giving the customer information pertaining to the topic – free information! This is what will keep them interested in what you have to say. This type of marketing is an art. It may take time to get it exactly right. Use the examples that other marketers have set for you. Pay attention to the messages that you receive from other marketers. Start a ‘swap’ file, and keep those messages. Use some of the better sales copy for your own autoresponder messages – just make sure that yours doesn’t turn out to be an exact copy of someone else’s sales message! Remember not to start with a hard sale. Build your potential customers interest. Keep building on what the problem is, and how your product or service can solve that problem or fill that need. If you are doing this right, by the time the potential customer reads the last message in that series, they will be convinced enough to make a purchase! (word count 412)

Vocational schools in chicago

A vocational school is an institution operated for the purpose of giving the students the necessary skills to perform certain jobs. These schools do not aim to further a liberal arts education instead offer to teach job-specific skills. Vocational education being offered in the past usually focused on specific trades such as becoming an automobile mechanic or welder. Such training and education were then associated with the activities of lower social classes. As a consequence of this, vocational schools attracted a level of stigma. The youth would prefer going to universities and colleges for their education rather than at vocational schools. However, during the course of time, the labor market begins to develop itself into a more specialized market. More and more economies begin to demand more specialized skills from the workforce. Governments and businesses are now beginning to invest in the vocational education through publicly funded training organizations and subsidized apprenticeship or traineeship initiatives to provide for their need for more people with specialized skills. And also because of this, post-secondary level vocational education is now being provided by an institute of technology, or by a local community college. Vocational education has diversified over the years and now exists to provide training in industries such as retail, tourism, information technology, funeral services and cosmetics, as well as in the traditional crafts and cottage industries. People now have a wide selection of vocational training to choose from to personally equip them with skills for their chosen jobs. If you are looking for Chicago vocational schools, you will be able to find a number of them online. If you are looking forward to honing a certain technical skill in order to land a job, a good vocational school may be able to provide you with the education that you are looking for. There are vocational schools all over Chicago that offer a wide range of vocational training. There is the Chicago School of Massage Therapy for those of you who want to become future massage specialists. There is also the Cooking and Hospitality Institute of Chicago for those who want to follow a culinary path to success. The American Academy of Art in Chicago also offers vocational courses for those who are interested in graphic design, commercial art and illustration. There are many more vocational schools in Chicago that offer a wide range of training and education for those of you looking to improve or further advance their vocational skills. Such skill will be able to help you help you succeed in a chosen career that you choose to take.

The plain truth about living in guanajuato

Most of the books on the market dealing with the issue of expatriating to Mexico are fluff. I didn’t realize this until my wife and I got firmly settled into a daily routine here in Guanajuato that there was something those expat books on the market weren’t telling us. In fact, whether you read the books on “How to move to Mexico and live like the Queen of Sheba” or the vast amounts of online articles and websites, they all will pretty much be full of cotton candy and lots of sugar coating. We came to central Mexico expecting Nirvana. We thought we had arrived in Camelot. If this wasn’t a utopia, it surely had to be the closest thing to it compared to the United States. After all, Mexicans, we observed, seemed happy. They walk around laughing and smiling and seem like they enjoy life and are glad you came along to make their existences just a little bit better. We got a reality check. We got it fast and hard. The first thing we noticed was that Mexicans, and maybe it is something peculiar to central Mexico, do things in public that would in America get them shot, stabbed, or taken outside into an alley for a sound beating. If you were to move here, you would soon see how that at a store counter, whether it is your turn or not, men and women will elbow you out of the way and shout their orders to the employee behind the counter over you. It is like no one has ever explained to them the concept of taking turns in a line. I mean this most sincerely and seeing this happen daily never ceases to disgust me. The other day, my wife was standing in line for some tamales. My wife had given the order, paid the man, and the man was serving up our food on little paper plates. A woman simply elbowed my wife in the ribs knocking her away from the counter and began shouting her order at the server. This is not an isolated thing. It happens constantly. There you are, it is your turn, and someone, usually another woman, will act like you aren’t even there or are a piece of trash to be kicked out of the way. I’ve been yanked off buses so some Mexican can cut in front of me. I’ve been pushed, knocked off the sidewalk, not once but twice, and into the path of an oncoming bus that hit me both times. I wasn’t seriously hurt since I am writing this and not pushing up daisies. In every aspect of life in Guanajuato that requires lining up or queuing, the “good” people of Guanajuato are totally committed to disordered chaos! You should try walking down or up stairs. They come up in a massive, throbbing blob of humanity and seem not to know that there can be two lines on a stairwell: one descending and one ascending line of people. They honestly don’t seem to understand this. They go up or down the stairs in one gigantic throng with no sense of anyone else around them. And if you are descending the stairs when the Mexican mob is ascending they either all stop and stare at you or simply knock you down, out of the way, or carry you back up the stairs requiring you to start over. I was once in a drug store at the cashier when a young man grabbed my right arm and shoved me out of the way. Can you imagine the consequence of this event occurring in the United States? Knives and guns would soon come out and that would be all she wrote. I cannot explain this to you. We are fluent enough in Spanish to ask and have been told that these are “malcriados”—ill raised. But, here’s the thing: Those who tell us this are from other parts of Mexico where apparently they aren’t so “malcriados.” I do not know if this is true or not. I am writing this article because of an event that happened just this afternoon. My wife and I were trying to eat in what we would call in the States a deli. My poor wife stood in line waiting while the young woman served all the Mexicans first before waiting on my wife who was clearly there before all the Mexicans were. This has happened before to us. There is a restaurant here called “Truco 7” where the waiters will wait on all the Mexicans before bothering with the gringo slime—which is how you are made to feel. We won’t go there anymore because of this and I use my writing venue to discourage Americans and Canadians from eating there. This also happened to my friend, a retired District Attorney, who was told he and his date would have to eat in the kitchen because the gringos were not allowed to eat with the Mexicans. He was told this to his face. The owner didn’t like Americans and this is how they get treated—to the kitchen with you, gringo man. This was at a different establishment that is now defunct. I’ve written about this before and am moved to cover the topic again because frankly I expected more of the Mexican people. Some Mexicans tell me this is specific to Guanajuato and the surrounding areas. I just do not know. Some will say things like, “Well this doesn’t happen all the time.” Just what does that mean: “All the time?” How many times is too much? Is one act of anti-American sentiment acceptable whereas two acts aren’t? Are we talking about a matter of proportionality? Should we come up with some sort of scale that we use to determine how many acts of discrimination constitutes too much? You hit ten events and then you get to feel a little pissed but not before then? I am appalled at any act of discrimination, any time, any amount, and in any fashion. Percentages do not count when it comes to this sort of thing, don’t you think? So far, I’ve been: · Pushed off the sidewalk twice and in the path of a bus that hit me both times. · Yanked off of the first step of a bus twice. · Pushed out of the way in a drug store once. · I’ve been passed up by cabs and buses so many times I cannot count. They will stop if a Mexican is with me but rarely when I am alone. · I’ve been passed up in restaurants while the waiter helped Mexican clients who came into the place long after I did. And, really this happens so often that I tend to lose track of how many events. I’m thinking about collecting the stories from the other American expats here for a chapter in a new book. The closest thing I can compare it to that makes any sense is that the people of Guanajuato, especially when on the street walking with them, appear to be functional autistics. If you’ve ever worked with the population of the disabled you know what I mean. You are just a thing to knock out of the way, climb over, ignore, or go through like you aren’t even there. I cannot get a grip on this with any other explanation. It as though you do not exist. Invisible. I have emails from other Mexicans from other less “provincial” parts of Mexico who have reported the same observations about their fellow Mexicans in Guanajuato. What am I going to do? I don’t know. But maybe, just maybe, this is part of the adventure. What I do know is that as a writer I will never present an unrealistic, Pollyanna view of what it’s like to live in Mexico as an American expat. That much I do know.

World of warcraft horde guide using joana s guide optimally

I'm not some twelve-year old kid on summer vacation or a retiree with way too much time on his hands. I'm a full-time, full-family, full - well, I'm just full! I don't have much time in the day to spend on myself so when the opportunity arises I make sure I don't squander it. If I'm lucky enough to get that time playing World of Warcraft, I find that using a guide like Joana's Horde Guide is a must. Now don't get me wrong, I love experiencing things on my own at first. I didn't use any help in the first year of playing World of Warcraft and sometimes it was difficult. It took me forever just to get out of my rag clothing and it was a painfully slow progression, but I did gain a greater sense of accomplishment doing it on my own. However, these days, if I've wasted an hour just trying to find a "Ghostclaw Lynx" and all I see are "Springpaw Lynx", I'm wasting my time (time that, again, is very precious to me). If I'm lost on a quest, I save the frustration and reach for Joana's Horde Guide and the problem is solved. Most of the time, I find that I was completely off from where I should have been and would have just wasted more time (and probably would have damaged a keyboard along the way). Quests can be confusing and sometimes being befuddled in World of Warcraft is simply a matter of being lost in the grand world of Azeroth. In the grand size of this game, one thing has probably become very clear to you: you will be spending many minutes a day simply running around, flying around, riding around, and galloping around (and did I mention running around?). I don't even want to know how much time I've spent on my highest-level characters just on transportation. This is where a guide can be very helpful. My absolute favorite thing about using Joana's Horde Guide is the efficiency of it. The guy who wrote it has made many level 60 characters in record time (4 days and 20 hours to be exact) so he lists exactly where you need to go, how you need to do it, and most importantly, the best ways to get around. Trust me when I say that nothing will get you to level 70 faster than knowing the best ways to get from point A to point B without backtracking all over Blizzard's green earth. Speaking of backtracking, have you ever started a new character in the same area that you've done before, only to not even remember how to do some of the quests you've completed once, twice, or more? I'm no spring chicken and maybe memory really is the first thing to go, but I don't want to "explore" things that I've already explored. If I want to try playing a Blood Elf Priest and I've already played a Blood Elf Rogue, I can pick up Joana's Horde Guide and get my new character leveled up ultra fast by sidestepping my exploring side and instantly gratifying my must-get-one-more-level side. That one-more-level feeling is what makes World of Warcraft so addictive. Likewise, sometimes the feeling of hopelessness in reaching your next level is what makes a guide like Joana's Horde Guide so necessary. If you're short on time in the real world but you know your way around World of Warcraft you won't be disappointed in getting a good guide like this. And if you're looking for the most efficient way to power level your second, third, or thirtieth character to the top, Joana's Horde Guide will give you the gift of getting there in record time.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Cisco ccna exam tutorial using trivial file transfer protocol tftp

One of the first things you do when you start studying for the CCNA exam is memorizing a list of port numbers and the protocols that run on those ports. If you're an experienced networker, you know most of the protocols that are mentioned - DNS, DHCP, FTP, SMTP, and so on. But there's one protocol that you might not have experience with, but is actually vital for CCNA exam success and success in working with Cisco routers and switches, and that's TFTP - Trivial File Transfer Protocol. TFTP is basically FTP's non-secure relative. There are no passwords, no authentication scheme, no nothing! As someone once told me, "If I'm transferring my files, there's nothing 'trivial' about it." Great. So you’re thinking, “What the heck do we use TFTP for, anyway?” TFTP is used in the Cisco world to perform IOS upgrades and to save configs to a TFTP Server. Cisco routers can themselves serve as TFTP servers, or you can use a workstation to fill that role. If you needed to copy an IOS image to a router, for example, you could do so easily by connecting your PC to the router’s console port (via a rollover cable, right?). Your PC would need to run TFTP server software. There are quite a few free TFTP server software programs that work quite well – just enter “free tftp server” into Google or your favorite search engine and you’ll see what I mean. Using TFTP in this fashion is a great way to have backup copies of IOS images or router configs right on your laptop. And take it from me, when the day comes that you need those backups, you’ll be glad you did! Remember that when using the copy command, you first indicate where you’re copying from, then where you’re copying to: R1#copy flash tftp Source filename []? Example Address or name of remote host []? When performing such a copy, you’ll need to name the file you’re copying, as well as the IP address of the device you’re copying to. Using TFTP to perform IOS upgrades takes a little getting used to, especially the syntax of the copy command. But knowing that syntax and how to use TFTP will indeed get you one step closer to the CCNA!

Guidelines on eating right food to keep you fit

Nowadays, there is no control or guidelines on eating right food. Most people are attracted to delicious Burgers with lot of meat, or else they are used to eating Pizza or cheese or just meat or some thing else. Well, there are certain guidelines that help a person to follow a regime and have a good healthy eating habit. There is always a question of what kind of food is better than others or different than others? Well vitamins, minerals, fats, soluble elements are all important and part of food. Vitamins usually can be used as a supplement and actually it is the best to remain healthy, cooling low fat meals helps. There are four main food groups that often you see a health expert or nutritionists talk about when they are talking about balanced diet. With the different groups of food, there are serving amounts for adult and for children as well. With meat, fist, poultry and beans there should be 2-3 servings a day. This group comes under the group of Protein and it’s a great source for that. Cooked beans are good for health because they are low in fat. Some of these foods can include, hamburger, eggs, beans, chicken, fish and peanut butter. Dairy is important for calcium and protein. You can choose the low fat dairy from the store. There should be at least around 2-4 servings of dairy, it should include, cheese, milk, yogurt, cottage cheese and anything that contains milk. Fruits and Vegetables are so important and they are low in fat and calories. They are not only great source of vitamins, potassium, fiber and carbohydrate energy but they are very nutritious for health. Orange or yellow vegetables contain Vitamin A. All citrus fruits including lemon contain Vitamin C. It is vital to have 2-4 servings of each. These include juices and all the vegetables and fruits either cooked or raw. Grains are known as complex carbohydrates they provide vitamin B and fiber which are great source of energy. You can have 6-8 servings of this it includes, pancakes and pasta, bread, rice and cereals. Fats and oils have to be used as low as possible. This includes oils, butter, sour cream, soda, candy and anything that has lots of calories. Fats and oils have to be really balanced to give you a healthy diet. Most people go for fat and oils rather than the other food which is equally important for the diet. It is said under the new food group it should be any 2 fruits in a day, with 2 kinds of grains, 3 vegetables and 4 legumes. Legumes are beans, peas or lentils; these are really good for calcium, zinc, protein and B vitamins. The new food group can be integrated with total of 53 grams of fat in a day and total of 24 grams of sugar in a day that comes to eating 2 servings of Meat, fish and poultry.

Pointe shoes for ballet which shoe is right for you

Anatomy of a Pointe Shoe ------------------------------- There are several elements involved in the anatomy of a pointe shoe, all of which contribute to its fit and performance. The ability to identify these parts is important in understanding their impact upon the dancer and her performance. The front edge of the shoe is the platform, or the flattened area upon which a dancer stands en pointe. Inside the shoe is a stiffened cup encasing the toes known as the box, or block. The area covering the toes and top of the foot is the vamp, while the opening nearest the toes is the shoe’s throat. The supportive insole of a pointe shoe, or shank, fits within, while an outer sole, typically made from leather, runs along the underside. The rear portion of the shoe that encases the heel and sides of the foot is known as the quarter. Running the circumference of the shoe is the binding. This is the fabric channel through which the drawstring runs. You can learn more about pointe shoes at balletdancestudio Beginner Pointe Shoes --------------------------- The most important aspect in selecting beginner pointe shoes is proper fit. This not only affects one’s ability to dance en pointe, but safeguards proper development of the feet, ankles and legs. Bones in the feet do not fully mature until the early 20’s, and improperly fitted shoes can cause damage. Look for pointe shoes that fit properly standing on and off pointe. The ends of the toes should reach the front of the shoe, and there should be no excess material at the heel. To find the best width, check that there are no wrinkles in the box and that a finger cannot fit between the box and the foot. Most often, beginner pointe shoes should feature a medium shank, unless the dancer is particularly muscular or has a high arch. No matter the shank, a properly fitted pointe shoe will allow a dancer to roll through with comfort. Ballet Demi Pointe Shoes ----------------------------- Ballet demi pointe shoes are designed to meet the needs of younger dancers until they mature and develop adequate strength for pointe work. The main difference between a demi pointe and pointe shoe is that the demi pointe is boxed and shankless. They do not provide the support and stability needed to safely go on pointe, but are ideal for working up to it. These shoes are intended to help familiarize pre-pointe students with working in a boxed shoe, as well as basic shoe care such as sewing on ribbon and elastic. If you are looking for more information on Ballet Pointe shoes. Head on over to balletinfo

Web hosting considerations for the small business

If you are operating a small business and are currently in the market for a web hosting service then there are a number of things that you need to take into consideration. Of course the first thing that you need to take into account is that you need to get the best deal that fits your needs. Its easy for the larger business, because they can just shoot the works and if they end up paying for services that they don't even need its no big deal. Lets face it though, unless you plan on remaining small you have to get the best bang for your buck that gives you exactly what you need, nothing more and nothing less. If your website is one-hundred or less pages and doesn't have any data intensive features such as streaming videos then you can easily get by with a budget or entry level plan from any one of the many web hosting services that are out there. These plans will all be in the range of $5. If however, you have upwards of one-hundred pages and the pages are heavily laden with content and pictures you may want to opt for shared hosting which is going to cost you somewhere in the area of $10. It will have the added bandwidth and memory that you will be needing. What you are using your website for can figure in inconsiderably when you are in the market for a hosting service. For instance, if you plan on using your website for Internet marketing there are a few things that you will want to take into consideration. The first thing that you will want to consider is the intense level of competition you will be facing with any Internet business and the level of sophistication that your competition is going to be using to compete against you. Far too many Internet business people that are new to the game can be overly optimistic with regards to the level of success that you are expecting and the amount of time that it will take to reach that level. This means that if you are going to be competing on the Internet you have to take that into consideration when selecting a web hosting service and the features and options that they offer. SEO or search engine optimization should be your main consideration and what it refers to is the process by which you enhance the positioning of your website in the search engines on the Internet. You have the option of simply paying a web hosting service to do it for you and many of them offer this service or you can do it yourself. If you plan on doing it yourself there will be tools that you will need your hosting service to provide for you to do it. Take a little time to learn about SEO online, so you can determine what tools you are going to be needing and then you can find a web hosting service that offers them.

Childrens fancy dress top tips

But for many parents this can be quite a challenge as many of the typical high street retailers are not accessible anymore but these have been replaced by specialist online suppliers. If you love dressing up in fancy outfits and playing your favourite fabled characters, Halloween is your dream holiday. And there's nothing better on Halloween than having the best costume in the bunch. Whether it's a sexy pirate costume or a scary vampire outfit, you'll still the show with Disguise Costumes. You'll find creative adult and kids Halloween costumes to make this summer unforgettable. Costume parties are very fashionable nowadays in the UK and all over the world. Being able to advertise your fancy dress business on the Internet as well as selling costumes and accessories online is an important step towards a better and profitable future for the fancy dress costumes industry. Party costume for all adults and children, masks accessories and decorations are all available on specialty web sites and will be shipped to you the next day and for many this makes buying childrens fancy dress very easy and convenient. Children fancy dress parties can take place with any occasion or on national holidays like Halloween, Eastern, and Christmas or World Book day. Parents willing to make a child very happy by looking for the best suiting costume for the child's wish, are free to look in Internet pages for the best costume, theme, accessories and decorations required. Web sites offering children fancy dress requirements offer their services grouped in products for boys and girls. If you are calling a large group of people, a general fancy dress party may be a better idea. Trying to organize a themed party to suit so many different tastes may prove to be too challenging for you and may not sound as exciting to everybody. You can be sure not everyone will be doing cartwheels when they receive your Aliens v/s Predators party invite. Better to give your guests the creative license to dress up or dress down as they please and watch the excitement unfold as you try and guess who is behind each mask. Regardless of how much money you have to spend there are loads of options available for the fancy dress connoisseur! Feeling Flush? Why not splash out on ready made costume with all the trimmings? Watching the pennies? Then put on your best Blue Peter hat and get creative at home. Whatever your budget being dressed up has a great effect on people and is bound to result in an amusing night! Remember selecting your fancy dress costumes is just the start as selecting the matching accessories is also important. Whatever you decide is the best choice for your costume all we really need is some great weather and this a prerequisite for any great fancy dress party in the UK.

Developing a garage addition building plan and estimating garage addition costs

The decision to add on a garage addition to a home is one of the best home improvement projects a homeowner can make. A garage addition provides great utility and can significantly increase the value of a home. Prior to actually breaking ground, however, a garage addition plan and garage addition costs estimates should be developed. A garage addition plan starts with making initial sketches of the garage addition concept and evaluating how it will tie in with the existing home structure. Though most homeowners prefer a large garage, it is very important during this phase to consider proportions between the existing home and the new garage addition. To aesthetically look appealing from the road the garage addition length should not exceed two-thirds the length of the existing home. Otherwise the garage addition could overwhelm the existing home structure. The depth or width of the garage addition is less critical from an aesthetic standpoint, as it is usually less visible from the road. Once the initial sketches have been completed, detailed garage addition building plans should be generated. Depending on the complexity of the garage addition either the homeowner or an architect can develop the actual garage addition building plans. In either case, the plans will need to include scaled drawings with dimensions, and cross-sectional construction views with constructional materials specified. The cross-sectional views should include from the concrete footings all the way to the peak of the roof. Each new transition from the footings up should be carefully drawn. Examples include: the footing/foundation transition, the foundation/sill plate transition, and the wall/roof rafter transition. The plans should also include a comprehensive bill of materials for the project. In addition, all property lines and appropriate setbacks should be clearly shown in the drawings. Estimating the garage addition costs depends on who is building the addition. If the homeowner plans on acting as his or her own general contractor and performing some of the work (e. g. the framing) then costs will need to be calculated starting with the bill of materials generated during the planning phase. With a comprehensive bill of materials a homeowner can provide much of the list to any home improvement store where they can fill out the pricing information for the specific items for the project. For specialty items such as garage doors, garage door openers, and in some cases lighting and plumbing fixtures (if required for the garage addition) the homeowner may need to contact specialty stores for pricing. The subcontractors may also be able to provide some unit pricing (e. g. garage doors). If the homeowner is acting as his or her own general contractor and will require subcontractors, then it is important that they identify early the subcontractors and review with them the plans and development schedule. Each subcontractor should provide a firm fixed estimate for the particular job based on the plans and bill of materials. In addition their bid should also include start/complete dates for the particular job. With garage addition plans and costs estimates in place the homeowner can then proceed with pulling permits and developing a fairly accurate building schedule. Once permits have been approved, construction of the garage addition can begin. It is important to note, however, that even with the best plans in place things happen and schedules slip. To mitigate schedule slips a homeowner acting as his or her own general contractor should factor in some buffer to the schedule and always be looking ahead several weeks during the entire project. They should regularly check with suppliers to ensure building material will arrive when required and should occasionally check with subcontractors to ensure that their schedules are still in line with your garage addition project. With these simple planning, budgeting and scheduling issues addressed prior to the start of the project, building a garage addition can be a positive experience both pre and post construction phase. For more information on building a garage addition see the Garage Addition Bid Sheet from HomeAdditionPlus. The Garage Addition Bid Sheet includes an extensive questionnaire (Request for Quote) that a homeowner can provide to prospective general contractors and subcontractors for bidding the garage addition. In addition, the Garage Addition Bid sheet also includes estimated costs and time intervals for constructing a garage addition as well as a list of key home material manufacturers. Finally, the Garage Addition Bid Sheet includes an extensive set of helpful tips and advice on making sure the garage addition is built properly and on time and budget.

Hair raising stuff

Definately without a doubt it was a new image that was needed for my summer holiday. I was sick and tired of looking like the queen with the same hairstyle for as long as I could remember. Well that was all about to change as I went on a rampage emptying every shop shelf of every glossy magazine that I could find. That evening all engagements were cancelled with Coroanation St, Emmerdale and Eastenders. Sacrafices had to made as I was on a mission to find the new me. Settled down for the evening with every brochure and mag at my side, flicking through every page not leaving one unturned. Surely there had to be a style in one of them that was going to help me in my quest in finding the new image that I so badly craved. A couple of hours of browsing had elapsed, and low and behold jumping out at me as plain as day, was the most wanting to die for hairstyle you ever did see. This was it with out a doubt. The style that I knew was going to give me a new lease of life. After a visit to the shops, armed with hair colouring lotions conditioners scissors etc. I raced up the stairs to the bathroom missing every other step, I was so excited, Why would I not be excited? tomorrow I was to be a different person. No animosty spared between the old image in the mirror as I said my goodbyes Smelling like a peroxide skunk I carried on following the instructions on the box. No matter how sweet scented that sachet of conditioner was it was not powerful enough to rid the odour that lingered all around. It was all going to be worthwhile I said to myself glancing down for about the hundredth time at the picture in the mag. Forty minutes was up and it was now time to rinse dry and style. (Enter the blonde bombshell) Staring down at the photo in the magazine and back to my reflection in the mirror, something was wrong. Two styles couldnt be any more different. I followed the instructions as prompted, where have I gone wrong I yelled out loud. I will tell you came a voice from the other side of the bathroom door. It was my husband who on hearing all the fuss decided to check out what was going on. Let me tell you what is going on I screamed back at him. Explaining about how I felt about myself I handed him the magazine with the picture of this fabulous hairstyle on this beautiful model. He looked for a long while at the photo and then back at me, repeating this motion many times. Darling I do not want to upset you he replied, but the reason that you will never have that look is because you do not have that face. So why not make do with what God gave you. I have made do with what god gave you for 34 years and I still like what I see.

Fisherman tactics for home business building

Probably you will all declare me crazy now. What on earth has a fisherman to do with home business building? Maybe I should better have said Tactics and techniques to build your home business in an easy and professional way . In fact it is very simple but let me start at the beginning with a story of how I came to this article and it’s conclusions. On Monday I got a phone call from a friend who needed some direct counselling on some important steps he was about to take in his home business. So we scheduled our meeting in the afternoon on the beach of Saler (close to Valencia where I live since 5 years or so) While I was relaxing in the sun and enjoying my afternoon off (all my afternoons are off thanks to my home business) I had the chance to observe 2 fisherman setting out their fishing lines. Both had about 3 lines out and they were sitting in a chair watching and waiting for the fish to come. About 20 m. further there was a third fisherman but this one was very different from the other two. He was dressed in a neoprene diving suit with a spear fishing gun in his hand. He dived in and out the waves and for every 5 times he went in he can back with a fish. The other two fishermen in the same time span only caught 1 fish whereas the spear fisher had at least 5 fishes in his basket. This true story can also be applied to the people who try to build a home business. Some invest a large sum of money and buy themselves some nets who do the job in a very efficient way. Others throw out a line until they catch a fish or run out f patience The smarter fishermen throw out a dozen of lines and catch fish on a regular base The third kind of home business builder puts on his diving suit and seeks out the fish himself But………..there is another kind of fishermen who is smarter than all the rest. He uses combined tactics to get more fish in less time so he can retire early and enjoy the pleasures of life. 1) He puts out 20 lines or more with different kinds of baits on different depths so he can catch different fish. He finds someone to take care of the lines while he goes to step 2 2) He puts on his diving suit and goes out to find the fish himself. 3) After catching a fair amount of fish he buys some big fishing nets and gets some help to manage the nets. 4) Than he steps out of the sea and goes to sit in the sun while the fish comes in in large amounts he is sitting on the beach counselling others and teaching them to catch fish like he does. From time to time he puts on his diving suit so he doesn’t forget how to fish or to show his friends who want to learn fishing how it is done. This is in fact my own story. I had the incredible amount of luck to find a program that enabled me to fish like the smart fisher in my story. It’s a program everybody can start with (it’s free and easy) You can put out as many lines as you want and have somebody taking care of them for free The program gives you a spear gun with not only 1 but about 600 spears for effective spear fishing if you wish to do so. You can also buy very effective nets if you desire to do so (and they are cheap too) Basically it is a program that will allow you to sit in the sun and enjoy all these things you ever dreamed off but never could get. If you a a normal person with hopes and dreams like me i am sure you too would like to take a look at this program so therefore I will give you the chance to go fishing very soon. Take a look in the autors resource box for more information

Bar stools a wonderful addition to your existing decor

A wonderful addition to a kitchen island, or entertaining area, could be bar stools. Depending greatly on your existing dйcor, and your price range, you can get a wide variety of bar stools to accentuate a more classical, western style, or the more modern, avante garde. Bar stools can add a nice, sophisticated, grown up look, to your area of necessity. Bar stools are not just made to look good, but are also quite comfortable. Bar stools are widely available in so many different styles, whether you’re going for a wooden textured look or matching the various color schemes you have existing already. Bar stools come in a wide variety of sizes, with or without the back. With the back, you can decide from a low back to a high back, a ribbed back, a solid back, a padded back, or the non-padded back. For the seat, you have the original, with no padding, or the more modern style, equipped with a soft padding. The padding can be made from a nice soft leather or to save a few dollars, a fancy pleather, or vinyl. The same could be said about the back side, as well. Bar stool prices can range anywhere from a mere twenty to thirty dollars, to the more expensive one to two hundred dollars, whatever best fits your budget. It’s true as is said, that you get what you pay for. The less expensive bar stools come, normally, in a hard plastic, but give you a broader selection to choose from, seeing that plastic products are limitless in the varieties manufactured. The next step up would be the bar stools made from metal, or stainless steel, for the most part, but are manufactured with not as many designs that can be found from the hard plastic, or even the wood. The more expensive bar stools are the stools developed from wood, which come in many different woods, some good for staining and painting, and others, with an appearance that you might find foolish to cover with any stain, or paint. For any added detail that you may wish to add in order to perfectly personalize the newest addition to your entertainment furnishings, you can easily purchase an unfinished bar stool, and add your individuality to the stool. Giving you complete satisfaction in your entire entertaining area. For the less creative individual you can absolutely purchase a ready to use bar stool that can still add personality to your entertaining area. For your next shin dig, be sure that your guests have nothing but the best. Give them a comfortable, exquisite bar stool to park their derriиre upon as they enjoy your company. For those individuals that may be visiting your home for the first time, show them that your home has style and is inviting to all, new friends, old friends, and family, no one is excluded from your cozy retreat. Let your friends think you live in the lap of luxury by providing such a wonderful seating arrangement at your next gathering.

Credit cards answers to the approval process

Instant Approval, what does this mean? This is where companies have already looked at your credit history before they have offered you a credit card. This means that you are in a position to accept their offer without having to go through the process. Does this alter from an Instant Feedback Decision? The fundamental difference between this and instant approval is that with instant approval they have already enquired about your credit history. With an instant decision this means they will get a decision out to you quickly. How does instant credit relate to Instant Approval? Instant credit means that you are able to go away and start making purchases straight away because the credit card has provided you with temporary account details. This is no longer a popular choice and the main reason for this is that it puts banks and credit card companies in a position where by they are vulnerable to credit card theft. Are instant approvals safe? Instant Approvals are safe because if you are visiting the website of a company that you have heard of, and the data being sent is encrypted then the risks are similar or less to using a postal service, however it is worthy of note that they are fundamentally different. To check if data is encrypted look in the address bar, and should this read https:// rather than then your data will get to the intended recipient. After instant approval, how long will it take to get my credit card? On average this will be around one week or even less in some cases. We recommend that you visit the concerned website for more specific information from the provider that you have chosen to work with. How should I use my credit card? You should use your credit card as you deem appropriate, however we recommend that you follow a few basic ground rules. Firstly, never use your credit card for a purchase if you are not able to envisage where the money is going to come from to finance it. If for example, you are not able to increase your income or decrease your expenditure then you should probably consider alternative means of financing a purchase. Should I use my credit card online? Shopping with a credit card is probably the safest way to shop online. The reason for this is that when you shop with a debit card your bank will not cover any losses that you incur as a result of fraud or a lack of integrity on the part of the merchant. This is why you should always ensure that should you intend to complete a large scale online purchase or offline purchase for that matter, use a credit card rather than a debit card.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Why would all companies care to pay me to complete online surveys

Are you among the skeptics who doubt that paid online surveys really pay? Have you been approached by people who are desperately trying to convince you that completing paid surveys is a waste of time? Then you definitely need to revisit your views on online surveys by reading the information available in this article, and once for all rest assured that completing paid online surveys is value for your time and effort. Companies offering paid online surveys have proliferated tremendously in recent years. Paid survey offers are everywhere in the web space – in pop-ups, sponsored links, and work-at-home databases. You get such a large variety of survey offers that it is understandable you may get confused to tell the legit survey offers from the scams. In fact, there is a solid number of scam sites that do not pay out earnings or mislead their subscribers about the benefits of membership. However, there are numerous legitimate paid survey sites that offer listings of online surveys for free. Why would companies bother to pay people money for completing online surveys? Even though it may seem too small a job to sit down at home and get some $10-$20 on average for ten minutes of your time, paid online surveys are now a billion-dollar businesspanies have acknowledged paid surveys as an effective and helpful market research method, as only consumer surveys directly communicate useful customer ideas to the product manufacturers. Paid surveys are invented to ultimately help the merchandise and service industries develop and prosper, while rewarding consumers with cash and prizes for the time spend sharing their honest opinions. Having such vital issues at stake – the survival and growth of a number of small to large-scale businesses, it is now clearer why paid surveys are that important, and why it makes perfect business sense that consumers get paid to complete surveys. It is true that as a survey taker you may not get millions yourself only by completing paid surveys in your free time. However, it is quite possible that you may earn nice additional cash that will complement your mainstream income. While the average surveys payout is somewhere between $5 and $25, the highest-pay surveys may give out up to $200 for completing longer and more specific questionnaires or participating in focus groups. With 2-5 surveys per month by a single company, it also makes sense to subscribe to as many survey companies as you can. That way, you increase your chances of getting more regular invitations to complete paid surveys, and you get more stable earnings. Be wise enough to avoid the survey scams that are lurking out there, and trust only paid survey companies that require no upfront investment from you. Some sites offering online surveys request membership as a means of funding their websites. However, it’s thoroughly possible to find out these same listings free of charge at other legitimate, free paid survey sites. Once you’ve realized that companies are willing to pay good money for your consumer opinion, you should know that your participation as a survey taker makes substantial difference to the world of marketing. Therefore, do not shy away from your opportunity to contribute your consumer experiences to the growing market research industry, while getting rewarded with great cash and rewards. Foe the more information visit @ surveysponsors

Five steps to trading for a living

For the past five years my sole source of income has been profits made from trading on the forex market. Over that time period, many people, perhaps somewhat envious of my ability to earn money from home without having to report to a boss, have asked me what it takes to trade for a living. How can one arrive at a point where one feels confident enough to leave ones regular employment, strike off on ones own with no guarantee of a regular paycheck, and put what might conceivably be ones entire savings up to that point at risk in the markets? While I unfortunately cant actually give you confidence in your ability to make it on your own, nor the stomach to risk your hard earned savings, I can tell you the practical steps that I took to get where I am today. These steps do not include the obvious Ёlearn of the existence of the forex marketЁ, as presumably you already know something about forex trading, or you wouldnt be reading this article. Furthermore, while these steps have been applicable to trading the forex market in my case, one could easily apply the same principles to becoming a professional trader in the equities markets, derivative markets, etc. Step 1) Start saving your money. To trade professionally you need a bankroll, and one that is large enough to withstand the ups and downs that are a natural part of trading. For me, this was easy. I had been putting money aside ever since I started working. Those like me that have been raised to understand and appreciate the value of saving, will accomplish this quite naturally. However, if you are a habitual spender and are accustomed to living paycheck to paycheck without putting anything extra aside, be prepared to expend some serious effort curbing your habits and learning to save instead of spend. How much money will you need? Unfortunately I cant answer that specifically because it will depend on the trading strategy that you use, the amount of leverage you plan on trading with, and the amount of money that you need to take out in profits. You should count on having a bare minimum though, of a full six months salary saved up before beginning full time trading. One years salary would be still better. Keep in mind that the larger your bankroll, the more money you can earn without risking an unnecessarily large percentage of your bankroll. Step 2) Get an education. You cant start trading before you know something about the market you are trading in. This education does not have to be formal (as in University classes), and you do not have to understand economic forces as well as Alan Greenspan prior to getting started. You should, however, have a basic understanding of why the market that you are trading in exists, how buying and selling on that market works, and the strategy that you are going to employ to take your profits out of the market. There are a lot of totally free resources on the internet that are worth your time to read (and there are a lot of opinions and ideas that are NOT worth your time, but reading some of those that are not worthwhile is part of the process of developing discernment about what is and is not a good resource). There are also some inexpensive trading courses on the internet that are useful. Part of the education process is coming up with a trading strategy that you are comfortable with, as well as a money management strategy to ensure the long term viability of the trading strategy. There are many good trading strategies out there, but regardless of which one you choose, you must understand that the traders that are successful cut their losses early and let their winning trades run. This can be somewhat more difficult than it sounds, but is really the key to making money trading. Step 3) Sign up for a demo trading account and start practicing while you are not at your regular job (or, if you have free time and internet access at your job, WHILE you are at your regular job). We list some good forex brokers at forex-rates, so if you are planning to trade currencies, be sure and sign up for a demo account with one of the listed brokers. In order to get a real feel for the trading strategy that you have chosen, you will have to do a lot of practice, so take your time with this step. Dont start trading with real money until you have an actual history of successful demo trading Step 4) If you are making money trading on paper and are comfortable with your trading strategy, go ahead and get started trading for real on a part time basis. Dont include all of your savings as part of your trading bankroll yet. Start slowly and gain a comfort level. As your confidence builds, move money from your savings to increase the size of your bankroll. Step 5) When you can estimate that your average gains from real trading (from step 4) are at a level where, if you were to trade full time using your current bankroll, you would be making profits that slightly exceed your current employment salary, you are ready to quit your job and trade full time. Remember, you want your trading profits to exceed your present salary. This will give you the opportunity to maintain your current financial level, but at the same time continue to increase your trading bankroll, which will enable you to earn more and more money as the size of your available funds grows larger. It is important to have patience with yourself at each of the steps mentioned. Maintain emotional equanimity and understand that fear and greed are a traders most dangerous nemesis. If you can keep these emotions under control and maintain the discipline established while following these steps, you can look forward to making it as a professional trader.

Google best search engine optimization seo practices part 3

The third part of this article will concentrate on the meta tags area of the optimization for Google. I will mention them in the order they should normally appear in the source code. I will review 5 essential meta areas. The DTD statement. This should be the first tag of the head section of your code. The Document Type Definition Statement allows faster and deeper indexing with Google, shortening the time your site will be in the “trustbox” as well. HTML 4.0 or 4.01 should be the standard, and for most cases, the Transitional type should be used. The title, the most important. Why? Because there are 3 elements in SEO: the listing (were title is the main element) the click-through (were title is the main reason) and conversion (which is the object of all optimization work) Also, if that is not reason enough (it should) it is the single element that gests indexed and used to list the link text in the Google SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). An average of 7 to 8 words length is optimal. The description. Used by Google to create a text summary in describing the page if available, so make sure the content of this tag is friendly to the searcher, not the search engine. If you are in a competitive market, this tag is not taken into account, but you should have it for your visitor. An average length of 150 characters is good. The keywords. Google actually uses this tag against you, by that meaning it is used as a spam check point for the page content. Also, do not include your niche keywords here, as you will be given your competition tips about your optimization. Put your main keywords across the content instead. Here use an average of 200 characters. Make sure you are using different sets of keywords per page, in other words, that they are unique to each particular page. The charset type. Another element of the head section, this one tells the browser what to do when it encounters certain characters in your pages. Google indexes pages easier with the 8859-1 tag, since it will not do any data encoding, which can take a lot of extra time. The UTF-8 tag involves encoding and it should be used for forms that accept non standard characters, like foreign users from other countries.

How to be an insurance agent without cold calling

One of the most known and downright unflattering perceptions on insurance agents is that once they’re done with their warm markets, i. e., have sold policies to all their relatives, friends, and acquaintances, it will only be a matter of time before they quit. That perception is not entirely baseless. Insurance companies and brokerage firms alike are wrought with insurance agents who seemed like go-getters at the beginning, but eventually lost steam after saturating their warm markets. Part of the problem lies in the ongoing sales process of insurance companies and insurance brokerage firms alike. Anyone And Anything Prospecting Prospecting is probably the least favorite of an insurance agent’s list of things to-do, and for good reason. Nine times out of ten your prospects will reject you, and that’s on the whole. An agent might get lucky closing ten sales in a row, then end up getting rejected 20 times in a row. Now it takes an agent with a superhuman positive attitude to withstand this kind of cycle. Anyone and anything prospecting requires little effort. You can look up the white pages in the directory, or walk up to people in a bar. Remember, anyone and anything breathing is your prospect. Pre-qualified Prospecting Insurance companies and insurance brokerage firms these days are smarting from the high attrition rate of insurance agents and are, in fact, finding ways to make the sales process a little less bloody. One of these is building insurance-related websites that are already optimized for insurance-related keywords. If you know how websites and search engines work, you will know that with websites, companies are getting quality prospects, or prospects who are looking for their products and thus are already pre-disposed to buying. All this makes the insurance process less bloody, so to speak, and actually increases sales. This had even made some insurance companies confident enough to recruit insurance agents from all fifty states through their websites, with some even offering free sales leads and a free website you can use to lure prospects to you. In all, now is the best time to be an insurance agent and benefit from the monetary rewards of actively selling insurance policies. (Insurance agents in 2006 earned $58,450 on average while the average family in the United States just earned $48,201.) It’s not anymore necessary to go through the whole frustrating routine of cold calling. You simply have to find those people looking for insurance and make them find you through your website.

What exactly is a crockpot

Copyright 2006 Tony Buel The word 'crockpot' is a name which is actually a trademarked name, but is often used as a generic term. The terms 'crockpot' and 'slow cooker' have come to be used interchangeably. 'Rival' is the original holder of the trademarked term 'Crock-Pot'. The Rival Crock-Pot / slow cooker has been one of the most important cooking tools for busy families since its introduction in 1971. Slow cooking is a great way to provide delicious home cooked meals for people and families on the go and produces flavorful meals time after time. This appliance is made of fired clay and is usually glazed and surrounded by a metallic housing. It contains a controlled heating element to maintain the slow cooker temperatures whuich allow food to be cooked over longer periods of time. Typically a slow cooker will have just two heat settings, and a glass lid is used to retain the heat and moisture. An important tip to be sure to follow is this: Don't lift the lid while it is cooking the food! Letting the heat escape in this way will add twenty minutes to the cooking time! The lid is important as it prevents escape of hot water vapor which would, if permitted, lead to lowering the internal water level, loss of heat and drying out of the contents. A slow cooker works in a much different way than a pressure cooker which allows much higher temperatures than the boiling point of water. Because the lid of a slow cooker is on very loosely, the temperature inside will never get above the boiling point of water. Any vapor that does occur condenses on the lid and returns as moisture back onto the food. Because of the nature of slow cooking, food can be cooked for longer than expected with no harm to the food. In fact, your meats become more tender when they are cooked like this over longer periods of time. Recipes for these cookers must be adjusted to compensate for the nature of the cooking. Often water must be decreased. Most (probably all) come with recipe booklets. Many cookbooks with slow cooker recipes are available and there are numerous recipes on the Web. A small number of cookbooks seek to make complete dishes in a slow cooker using fewer than five ingredients while others treat the slow cooker as a serious piece of culinary equipment capable of producing gourmet meals. With some experience, timings and recipe adjustments can be successfully made for many recipes not originally intended for these cookers. The long, moist nature of the cooking method allows for lower quality cuts to be used. And even though a slow cooker takes longer to cook the food, it will actually save you time! How is this possible? Well, you can quickly load the ingredients in the morning and turn it on. That right there is the bulk of your time - not very much! And at dinner time, your home will greet you with a flavorful aroma fit for a king or queen!

The bare truth about my butt quiz

Forget about the SAT, never mind the FCAT, and remove forever from you mind any thoughts about the ACT. All these test pale in comparision to the examination that I just failed. Failing those test may have minor repurcussions like never making it into college and therefore being forced to work at fast food resturants well into you 40's. That's nothing. I just flunked a quiz that could scar me for life. This morning I was doing my usual morning ritual of checking my email and all my affiliate programs to see if I had made any money online yesterday. I hadn't, in fact I never do, but I've found it's a great way to waste an hour or two. What usually happens is I get sidetracked by some banner or pop-up and I end up lost in the middle of cyberspace signing up for a free registration to some weird website just so I can get a free ebook with a title like 'Online Profits From Artichoke Juice!". This morning, however, I stumbled across a real winner. I came across a link that I just had to click. I was at JokesUnlimited reading redneck jokes when I saw 'Fun Quizzes: Can you guess which butts are male or female? From the extreme look of excitement in your eyes I can tell that you feel the same way I felt when I saw the Butt Quiz link. My first thought was: 'Pictures of female butts! Yeeeessss! And it's a quiz so I don't have to feel dirty about it. It's educational! Yeeeesssss! I immediately clicked the link and started my quiz. In hindsight(no pun intended), the expression 'Fools Rush In' comes to mind. I blindly rushed into this quiz in a testosterone induced urge to look at female hindparts and I forgot to think the whole thing through. I forgot to take a moment and reflect. I forgot that there were going to be male hindparts on the quiz too. Hairy male hindparts. In thongs. Needless to say, I failed the quiz. I got 8 out of 15 right. That's about 60 percent. An 'F' in almost all 50 states. Even New Jersey. I, Tim Ward, humor columnist and straight male could not distinguish between the gluteus maximus of the male and female gender. I started to wonder: Were some of the butts that I said were female really male? If so, does that mean I find some men's butts attractive? Do I have a male butt fetsih that I didn't know about? Do I secretly enjoy slapping guys on the butt after a good sports play? And what about the woman's butts that I classified incorrectly? Has it really been that long since I've seen a bare female behind? Am I forgetting what the female body looks like? All these questions have been running through my head since I failed my first Butt Quiz. It got to the point where I'm thinking about scheduling a retest. But this time I'll be sure to plenty of studying in advance. So ladies, if you see me taking large hard looks at your posterior region, I'm not a pervert, I'm just doing a little research. And to the fellas, forgive me if I give more that the usual amount of congratulatory butt slaps on the basketball court for awhile. I'm just trying to further my education...And maybe work through a fetish or two. You can take the Butt Quiz for yourself at: jokesunlimited/buttquiz. php

Play 3d sex games

Not only can you participate in the action, play with real persons and control what goes on but you can do it from the comfort of your home in a way that seems more real than ever before. 3D sex games are attractive diversions even for persons who do not generally like online games due to their impersonal nature. New levels and types of interaction are being made available in an attempt to simulate the real world as best as possible. Devices such as webcams and microphones can be used in some games to interact with the characters or with the other real players. Traditional devices such as they keyboard and mouse are also of course incorporated. These games allow you to personalize and modify your avatar or online character to be either a more realistic or idealized version of yourself and the situations you face or whom you would like to meet. The physical features, dress and personality of the avatar can be modified. 3D sex games allow you to not only modify the superficial aspects of the avatar but also to add other complexities. For instance, you can adjust body weight and vary the size or shape of various parts of the body. Less time is wasted because persons can simply chose to do what is enjoyable for them. The most popular 3d sex games appear to be hentai or japanese anime games. These may feature original characters or popular characters from manga. Some of these games are scenario based and offer more instantaneous sexual content whereas others involve role playing and a background story which must be adhered to and participated in to get to the sexual content. The types of sexual content varies as well from simply dirty talking to oral and other types of sex. Those with an anime background will feature recognizable features and characters of the animation itself, the only difference for the most part being the expanded sexual content. In the online gaming world 3d sex games definitely take the fun to another level. A player can chose and change the view or angle that he or she is looking from. It gives the impression that the player is in a virtual world and very much a participant in what is going on. This adds to the fun but also adds to the need for strict adherence to restrictions on the access of these games by minors. Some of the content is extremely graphic and violent although there are many options for 3d sex games that do not contain as much of that sort of content. Also, the same cautions apply to meeting individuals through these games as through chat rooms and other mediums. Therefore, while 3d games may blur the line between the virtual world and reality it is important that players be responsible adults at all times.

How to budget for home improvements

Home improvement projects often scare people away. The typical homeowner will believe that it will cost thousands of dollars to remodel one room since they often lack the skills to do the job themselves. They may also feel that the project is too expensive since many materials and tools are needed. To the contrary, home improvement does not have to be expensive at all. Of course if you hire a contractor or subcontractor to do the job, you will pay a fortune but if you have the patience and the ability to read and follow directions then you can remodel an entire room in your home for less than one hundred dollars. Of course this will depend on the type of remodeling you want to accomplish and your definition of remodeling. If you believe painting a room is considered “remodeling” then your costs will be inexpensive. If you want to expand a room or redesign it then your costs will rise. So to help you save money, you will need to decide the type of remodeling then you will need to contrast and compare materials. Before starting the process of improving your home, you will need to setup a budget and a plan to get started. You will need to consider various notions when considering and planning home improvement. For example, do you intend to paint your home? Do you intend to tile your home? Do you want carpet and/or hard wood in your home? How many rooms do you plan to remodel? What material will you need? How much material will you need? Asking questions is part of analyzing and planning for home improvement. One of the best tools to have when considering home improvement is knowing what you like and knowing what you want. When I improve my home, the first thing I want to do is to roam around my brain to search for my favorites and what excites and appeals to me. Thus, when I go to the home improvement stores I already have in mind what I am going to purchase, thus this relaxes my quest to improving my home. If you are lacking the cash to improve your home then setting up a budget will help you get what you want as well as save you cash. You may even consider purchasing materials and tools for home improvement at the stores that offer discounts and/or purchases with no payments until a particular date. This notion will give you time to get your home improved while saving the cash to payoff the improvement materials and tools. If you have more then one hardware or lumber store, then look for the best possible deals. Sometimes if you purchase at a local hardware store instead of a large brand name, you may be able to work out a nice deal. Unfortunately, many people go for secondary home loans, i. e. home equity loans, to improve their home. Getting loans from lenders often lead to debt, and secondary home loans for improvement only leads to paying off your home twice. Thus, avoid those high interest rates and loan payments and learn to budget to improve your home. It may take you longer to make those home improvements but it give you less stress and will help keep you out of debt. Let me give you an overall view of what one room could cost you for repairs. Say you want to paint a room in your home. You will need plaster, sealers, primer, paints, paint thinners, scrapers, screwdriver, paint opening (often comes with your paint purchase), patches, paintbrushes, tray, and so forth. Now you may think this is going to cost you a fortune to improve your home, but to the contrary, you are wrong. The paint and tools will cost you the most while the other items will cost less. Primer, sealers and plaster could cost around fifteen dollars if you go to the right store. Paint thinners, trays, brushes and screwdriver will cost around fifteen if you visit the right store. Thus, the patches should be purchased with a plaster kit, which will save you a few pennies. The paint will cost around twenty per can, depending on the type of paint purchased. Therefore, for around a hundred bucks you could remodel a room in your home without hiring anyone to do the job providing you follow the instructions. What about the bathroom? Can you remodel the area on a budget plan? It will depend on the size of the area an the type of remodeling but if you wish to tile your bathroom and paint the walls you could get the job done for around a hundred bucks give or take a few dollars. If you visit the right stores and know what you are doing, you could remodel a small bathroom or medium bathroom for around fifty bucks. Learning to budget and plan can help you remodel your entire home (if the home is in good standings) for a few hundred dollars. Furthermore, doing the work yourself will save you thousands of dollars.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

A stockbrokers advice

It can be a good idea to use a stockbroker for an active management of your stocks or mutual fund portfolio. It can be vital if you want a steady growth. It may also be unnecessary as a passive management alternative often is available for long term investing. However, many prefer to use and pay for the services of a broker because they feel more comfortable making decisions about their finances with the interactive guidance of a licensed advisor. Using a stockbroker for financial guidance one must be aware of the fact that they do get paid on a commission. This can be a reason for them to trade more often as more trades make them more commission. The stockbroker is also paid on the result they can achieve. Furthermore a conflict of interest arises when a stockbroker offers his/her services as a financial planner, because their revenue is generated as a direct result of your investment in the stock or mutual fund that they broker to you. Your return on investment may not be as great, and the advice they give you might not be in your best interest. However, some mutual funds and stocks can only be purchased through a broker. In such cases their services are required to purchase the financial instrument in question. If you use the services of your bank there are some facts to consider. When you talk about the options you have to invest your money, they will certainly recommend the funds they control themselves. In some countries you can for example invest in a portfolio with shares and have a guarantee to at least get your initial investment back in 2, 3 or 4 years. Sounds great to many and when they say yes to invest, the bank charge 110%. In that way the bank make a profit and secure the costs from start. Do the bank take a risk? No, they cover themselves with other types of investments that function as an insurance. So now your portfolio starts off with a backlog of minus 10%. Often the investment will recover and take back most of the initial loss and the guarantee makes many invest as they feel comfortable and secure when they invest in this way. Back to the question about what kind of investments the bank recommend. Do they recommend other banks portfolios? I donґt think so. If you go to a car dealer that sell Ford, do they recommend you to buy a Lexus? Certainly not. A stockbroker working in a bank is not neutral, their job is to make you invest in the shares they make the biggest profit for them. If you make a profit too, that is fine but not their prime priority. There are the authorities though to help the customer out. And there are rules and regulations about the way stockbrokers can and shall work. Depending on in which country you are investing the rules can vary. In some countries stockbrokers can have his own portfolio and the company where he works can also have an portfolio of shares. This makes an eventual conflict arise whenever something special happens. There are numerous customers that suspect that they have been recommended shares in companies that will face problems and where the stockbroker wants to sell his own shares before the market drops. To prove these cases are almost impossible and to win them very rare. The number of transactions are also so big that it is almost impossible to trace and see a pattern. There might be just a few that went the wrong way. Stockbrokers in general are behaving in a professional way and realise that their business will benefit most if the outcome for their customers are great. As a customer you are advised to check the results that a stockbroker have produced, trace their records. Do not look at the advertisements, the truth about the results are not there. On the internet you can now use the statistics by independent companies that range stockbrokers, funds, shares etc. Here you can find facts – vital facts for the outcome of your future incomes from investing.

Vision correction so many options

Vision correction technology has advanced rapidly. Laser eye surgery, lasik, and lens transplants are a few of the options available to you. Becoming a popular form of vision correction is laser eye surgery and lasik. With the amazing advances in lasers and eye corrective technology, there is no doubt, why this type of procedure is the number one corrective eye surgery today. Laser eye surgery is a safe and a successful form of vision correction. Another option for vision correction is a lens transplant. This surgery is becoming more popular as an alternative to laser surgery. As there are many people who feel uncomfortable with the idea of laser surgery. Therefore, this is a great alternative for those people. A lens transplant is a simple surgery and just as successful as laser surgery. You have the opportunity to have the lens of your eye taken out and replaced with a lens that has the vision qualities you require. Corrective lenses and frames are of course the most popular type of vision correction. Corrective lenses are a very affordable and effective way to compensate for your vision impairment no matter what type of impairment you may possess. Glasses and contact lenses are now covered in a large variety of insurance companies which makes this form of vision correction that much more affordable. There are also many great styles and fashions when it comes to the frames of your glasses. This makes wearing corrective lenses that much easier if you are feeling uncomfortable wearing glasses. With all the great types of vision corrective surgeries and alternatives, there are great opportunities to improve your sight. No matter what type of eye impairment you have, it can be corrected!

Timeless principles to steer you through negotiations

If you want a sure-fire way to succeed at negotiations – whether it’s with your partner over which TV programme to watch tonight, or with a business partner in some high-powered negotiations -- then learn these 7 principles of negotiations expressed through 7 timeless quotes: Principle 1: Negotiating is an essentially human way of interacting. It is the way we progress. Adam Smith, the Scottish economist who wrote “The Wealth of Nations” put it this way: “Man is an animal that makes bargains. No other animal does this. One dog does not change a bone with another.” Principle 2: Negotiating is not about dividing up a limited cake in ways that are divisive. It is about making a bigger and better cake. David Ghitelman says that the key to making negotiations work isn’t a scarcity mentality but an added value mentality: “Negotiating is about creating value, not dividing wealth.” Principle 3: Conflict is at the heart of negotiation but only a positive view of conflict will result in a successful outcome. As Dean Tjosvold said: “Co-operative conflict builds people up, strengthens their relationships and gets things done.” Principle 4: There is a time to speak and a time to shut up in negotiations. When you do more listening than speaking, you actually increase your power. Geoff Burch, the so-called “hell’s angel consultant”, put it this way: “If you’re talking, you’re giving information and therefore giving away power. If you’re listening and asking questions, you’re gaining information, the raw material of knowledge, and therefore gaining power.” Principle 5: In power negotiations, when the stakes are high, let the other side believe what you want them to believe. But don’t lie or be dishonest. Sun Tzu, the writer of the oldest military treatise in the world, “The Art of War”, put it in these words: “All warfare is based on deception. Therefore when capable, feign incapability. When active, inactivity. When near, make it appear that you are far away. When far away, that you are to lure him. Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance.” Principle 6: Recognise that you will only reach agreement by understanding the deeply-held needs of the other side. In Frank Romer’s words: “People will sit up and take notice of you if you will sit up and take notice of what makes them sit up and take notice.” Principle 7: You can only succeed in negotiations with a win-win attitude. To quote B. C.Forbes: “Any business arrangement that is not profitable to the other person will in the end prove unprofitable for you. The bargain that yields mutual satisfaction is the only one that is apt to be repeated.” If you are new to negotiations or still struggling to master the skill, remember these 7 quotes. They are words of wisdom passed down the years and invariably learnt by the painful lessons of experience.