Friday, September 16, 2016

Costa rica vacation travel by horseback canoe and hot air balloon

When you arrive in Costa Rica, the first thing you may notice is its lush scenery and beautiful landscape. If you have been to this country but have experienced it only from the ground, you haven't really experienced Costa Rica. Vacation travel takes on a whole new meaning when you arrive, because once the transportation logistics is over, the real fun can begin. How many different ways can you enjoy a vacation? As many as you like: on dry land, in the water, on air or a little of them all. Many of the sites of Costa Rica are best seen while hiking through the complex system of trails guiding hikers through extensive ecosystems. Because many of the animals and special details of these intricate ecosystems can often go unnoticed to the untrained eye, it is recommended that a guide is hired for the tours. This will help you get the most out of the natural habitats of Costa Rica. The trails travel through wetlands, up and around mountains, in and out of trees and everywhere in between. The guide will also make sure you don't get lost in all of this. Experience Costa Rica on Horseback There are many places in Costa Rica that should be experienced on horseback. It is one of Costa Rica's most popular activities for tourists and can be found in nearly every single town. The Northern Pacific area, also known as Sabanero Country (cowboy country) is home to horse and cattle ranches that would make a Texan jealous. If a romantic gallop along the beach at sunset is your fantasy, the Central Pacific area is the one for you. You can also ride in and around waterfalls and rainforests. Monteverde and Arenal include a great deal of mountainous terrain and also pass through a few coffee plantations along the way. It's hard to think of Costa Rica and not imagine the beautiful ocean waters that rise to the sandy beaches. These waters are full of fun activities like dolphin and whale watching. Canoeing is a good workout and also a fun way to see the sights from the water. Explore the underworld beneath the surface of the ocean with scuba diving and snorkeling. You will be amazed at the colors the ocean hides beneath the waves. Many different species of fish, crustaceans and coral live here and are all intricately decorated by nature. At the end of your long day of hiking and climbing, relax in the natural hot springs heated by the active volcanoes around Costa Rica. See Costa Rica on a Hot Air Balloon The luscious greens and crystal blues of the Costa Rican landscape and water is often best seen from above. Float over the rainforests, ocean waters, mountains, volcanic rock and picturesque coffee plantations from the comfort of a hot air balloon. Not to worry, you don't have to know how to work one. An experienced professional will pilot the craft while you and your companions relax and enjoy the scenery. Parasailing is another amazing adventure in the air that flies you far above the water. It's incredible how much sea life you can actually see from hundreds of feet above. For a true nature lover, and certainly not for the faint of heart, a canopy tour is an absolute must-do. They provide an interesting look into the delicate ecosystem of the rainforests from zip-lines and aerial trams. No matter what method you choose to experience your full Costa Rica vacation travel, remember that it doesn't stop when you reach your destination. If it does you are missing out. See Costa Rica the way it was intended, from all perspectives.

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