Tuesday, August 30, 2016

My progress report on starting a home business

Summary: The tale told by one person who made the rash decision to leap into a new Internet Home Business as a complete Newbie. It highlights the struggles to survive the learning curve and remain sane to hopefully, one day, make some money. Having battled through the Newbie tag, I have reached a new phase of my burgeoning Home Business. My computer desktop is now crowded with e-books and my dining table, chairs, and couches are littered with printed books and tutorials of what, I don’t know! Do I need all this stuff? I don’t know, that’s why it’s all still there, It may be very important, or not. Do I want it? Well, you never know. As you can clearly see, I have graduated from the Newbie status to what I would call the frightening ‘Brain Freeze’ that’s when you tell yourself; ‘it is far better not to know right now, because I’m too busy and confused to handle it anyway’. This stage is a time when you are no longer sure which memberships you have, or need, or want. You are not even sure what most of them can do for you, or what they cost you, if anything. You just don’t have the time or the will to find out. I’m sure somewhere on my desk, amongst the hundreds of reminder notes I foolishly wrote to myself during the last couple of months, is at least one which will explain this chaos and gently guide me towards a simple resolution. I think this is a plan. I’ll look for such a note just as soon as I can spare the time. At this point, it would be fair to say that I have no idea if I have made any money. That is because, I have not yet had time to find out how to determine that and that is because I am either stressed out doing battle with Google to approve some ads, or, I’m bogged down learning the newest ‘big thing’, or I am half way through writing an article for my website so I can finally have some free time to finish another installment on my Blog, etc. Of course, I am also stressing about the lack of available seating in my home, in case I should receive unexpected visitors. That would be those people I used to know before establishing occupancy in Cyberspace. If you are like me, you have been doing more studying in the last 6-8 weeks than you did during your entire time in high school and you are now forced to sacrifice your social life just to keep some sane working hours. Who was it that said this will be soooo easy. Words like ‘everything is on automatic’, ‘It can be done in less than an hour each day’ ‘It doesn’t require you to learn anything’ ‘Even a child can do it’ ‘It only takes 5 minutes’ They are all lying, they have to, if they told the truth only extreme masochists and deranged computer nerds would ever take on an internet business. Clearly, it’s not automatic and yes, it’s going to take a lot more than an hour a day and it most certainly will require you to learn a lot of new stuff about doing business online in general and creating your own home business in particular. But just because we have come to terms with that, it doesn’t mean we should forgive these self proclaimed ‘experts’. Of course it’s not automatic and yes, it’s going to take a lot more than an hour a day and it most certainly will require you to learn a lot of new stuff about doing business online in general and creating your own home business in particular. But just because you have come to terms with that, it doesn’t mean you should excuse these self proclaimed ‘experts’. Frankly, there are times when you’ll just want to pick up an e-book and hit somebody Now, of course, I am waiting for phase three, I expect that will be about the time I get my home back to normal, my brain freeze thaws out and my friends are once again willing to talk to me. Just, finally, knowing what it is I am actually doing will be an amazing revelation in itself. The only thing I am certain about, right now, is that sometime in the future, I will have a functioning, profitable Internet Home Business, whatever that is. You can check out my website at plotkin-enterprises, to see how I am doing. Meanwhile, I’ll keep you posted.

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